
Middot (·) is a really nice character. I have used it over the years to divide between menu items in a header or footer. It just hangs there in the middle not really having an opionion on whether to go up or down. Nice! It is used in acouple of places on this site also…. When I needed it this time I just duckduckgoed it and found this nice and informative site dedicated solely to this little character.

Interestingly enough this this is also a tractate from the Talmud - a corner stone in Judaism. It got detailed description of the second temple - the one that Jesus hanged around in and that was utterly detroyed by emperor Titus in 70 CE. Who would have known…. But also a great excuse to add an image to this otherwise short post. Here is a model of the description in Middot.

Model of the second temple according to Middot Juan R. Cuadra, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

written by fredrik at 2021-04-30